

Christ Church Congregation


Margaret Fowler (White Background)

Welcome to Everyone

Speech Marks StartChrist Church is a lively Church of England congregation within the Billericay & Little Burstead Team Ministry. Our life and ministry is centred on Jesus Christ.

We aim to make everyone feel welcome and we have a range of services to suit all ages, for those with a strong faith, and for those who are seeking.

If you cannot find what you are looking for on our website, please do telephone our Church Office who will be delighted to help you.Speech Marks Finish

Rev Margaret Fowler
Associate Priest


Summer Series 2024


Service Times

1st Sunday


Morning Worship in Church

Christ Church Tower



’Messy Church’ held in the Church Hall

2nd Sunday


Family Communion

3rd Sunday


Holy Communion



Celebration Sunday
(an all-age service)

4th Sunday


Family Communion

5th Sunday


Team Service
alternating between Christ Church and Emmanuel

Every Tuesday


Morning Prayer
Traditional morning prayer held in the Church

Online: Services can be accessed via a link which can be emailed to you weekly at your request. Please contact the Church office to give your details.

Cornerstone Flyer Vs2Christ Church is a relaxed family church in the evangelical tradition, and the style of our 10am worship services very much reflects who we are.  There is always something in our Services for all age groups to enjoy learning about Jesus, our Lord and Saviour.  We have three different worship bands who take it in turn to lead our sung worship each Sunday.  Children are encouraged to make use of flags, instruments, shakers and other percussion sounds so that they can join in too. We believe the Bible is the Word of God and we have an excellent preaching team who are able to help us understand what the Bible means for us in today’s world.


Christ Church is part of the Billericay and Little Burstead Team Ministry and is also a member of Churches Together in Billericay (CTB)

We are committed to Safeguarding Children, Young People, Victims/Perpetrators of Domestic Abuse and Vulnerable Adults. 
The PCC has adopted the Church of England’s policies and best practice on safeguarding which may be found on the Church of England’s website.
Our Church Safeguarding Officer may be contacted at church or by email via the church office


Copyright ©2018 Billericay & Little Burstead Team Ministry - All rights reserved - Web Site Policy

Christ Church Logo v2



Notice Sheet

Christ Church TV Logo 4

Pilgrim Magazine

